Ahoi Ashtami Fast (अहोई अष्टमी)
Method of Ahoi Ashtami Fast
Detailed Procedure of Ahoi Ashtami Vrat
Mother’s observing this fast should wake up early in the, take bath and do worshiping with a wish of her child’s longevity and enriched life. And, they pray to Goddess Ahoi that- “O mother Ahoi, I am keeping this fast for my child’s growth, good luck and long life, so, please give me energy to complete this fast”. And, saying this, they should take the resolution for this fast. As per a belief, observing this fast increases the longevity of child and bestow him with good health and happiness. Additionally, Goddess Parvati is a worshiped. Because she also the protector of child.
Women observing the fast should avoid getting angry on this day. And, bring bad thoughts to mind, on the day of fasting reduced the goodness of Vrat. Also, on the day of fast, women should not sleep in the day time. To worship Goddess Ahoi, her picture should be made with wheatish color. This picture displays, Goddess, lion and the seven sons. In the evening time, these images or pictures are worshiped.
After worshiping, the story of Goddess Ahoi is heard. Then, blessing are taken by touching feet of father and mother-in-law as well as other elders of the family. The fast is ended when stars come out in the sky. The Aarti is performed for stars. After which, the fast is closed by drinking water from the hands of child.
Ahoi Ashtami Fast Story
As per the story of Ahoi Ashtami, there lived a moneylender in some city. He had seven sons. Only seven days were left for Diwali’s arrival, so cleaning work was going own in the house. For this, his wife went near river to bring some mud for painting the house. The place she was digging to get mud, had a den of cub, nearby. One of the cub, was killed by the spade of lady.
Seeing this, wife of moneylender got upset. Mournfully she went back home. By the curse of cub, moneylender’s elder son died. Then his second son died, followed by the third one. Within a year’s time all his children were dead.
The lady started living depressed because, all her sons were dead. One day, while crying she narrated her story to the nearby living ladies, that she did not do the sin knowingly. Accidentally, cub child got killed by her. After which, all my seven sons died. Listening this, an old lady in her neighbourhood consoled her. And told her, “the repentance you have done has cleaned half of your sin.
On the day of Ahoi Ashtami, you should take the shelter of Goddess Bhagwati and draw the face of cub and her children. Worship them and ask for apologies, this will be fruitful for you. By the God’s grace your sin will be washed off.” Wife of moneylender, followed the words of that old lady, and kept fast on Ashtami Tith of Krishna Paksh of Kartik Mas. Then, she worshiped Goddess Ahoi and followed this procedure every year. With time she conceived seven sons. From that time, the tradition of Ahoi fast began.
Aarti of Goddess Ahoi
जय अहोई माता, जय अहोई माता!
तुमको निसदिन ध्यावत हर विष्णु विधाता। टेक।।
ब्राहमणी, रुद्राणी, कमला तू ही है जगमाता।
सूर्य-चंद्रमा ध्यावत नारद ऋषि गाता।। जय।।
माता रूप निरंजन सुख-सम्पत्ति दाता।।
जो कोई तुमको ध्यावत नित मंगल पाता।। जय।।
तू ही पाताल बसंती, तू ही है शुभदाता।
कर्म-प्रभाव प्रकाशक जगनिधि से त्राता।। जय।।
जिस घर थारो वासा वाहि में गुण आता।।
कर न सके सोई कर ले मन नहीं धड़काता।। जय।।
तुम बिन सुख न होवे न कोई पुत्र पाता।
खान-पान का वैभव तुम बिन नहीं आता।। जय।।
शुभ गुण सुंदर युक्ता क्षीर निधि जाता।
रतन चतुर्दश तोकू कोई नहीं पाता।। जय।।
श्री अहोई माँ की आरती जो कोई गाता। उर उमंग अति उपजे पाप उतर जाता।। जय।।
Udyapan of Ahoi Ashtami Vrat
The lady who does not have a son or her son is not getting married should necessarily do Udyapan of this fast. For this, in a plate, four Puri with Halwa are kept at seven places. Additionally, yellow colored sari, blouse and money is offered to the mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law should keep the outfit with her and distributed the eatables that is Halwa, Puri among the neighbours. Or, send it to the house of some other girl.
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